Bearded bro breeding

deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding

Deviant Otter says: I fucking love this dude. I’m pretty sure that we’re brothers and our parents just aren’t telling us we have a long lost sibling. Physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, etc. we are so friggin similar, its bizarre, and kind of hot in a taboo way.

We’ve chatted back and forth for at least a year and never met up, but recently he moved to Boston so we started messaging each other again. I had been trying to get him to meet up and let me film us fucking for weeks but he was sweating having a vid of him on the internet.

It wasn’t until he was out on a date with one of my best friends, which I had no clue about, that he finally decided that he was down to film. Apparently my buddy was randomly showing his date my site (because my friends are the best pimps like that) and this guy was like, “Holy shit, he’s been asking me to film a vid with him,” my buddies response, “He’s my best friend, you NEED to do it!”

So a couple days later me and this ginger stud finally met up at bar and I pumped him full of liquid courage…aka Fireball. We started to get a little frisky after a few shots; made out in any and every corner, groped our cocks under our jeans at the bar, and he drank my piss in the bathroom stall, you know, the usual stuff when you first meet someone.

Things started to escalate so we decided to bounce. Got into my jeep, took off our shirts, pulled down our pants and took off towards my place. I might have taken the long way home because the road head was just that good.

After we got back to my apartment and took a golden shower I realized that my roommate and his boyfriend were home, so me being the good roommate that I am, banged out this scruffy ginger in the kitchen across from his room.

Sadly they never came out of the bedroom, but I know they were listening the entire time which made fucking this guy even hotter.


deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding

deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding deviant otter  Bearded bro breeding


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