Deviant Otter Puppy Love

deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love

Deviant Otter says: My boyfriend and I have been together now for a year and a half now and loving each other more and more every day. Lots of guys ask me about how our relationship works because I do porn and he has a professional day job, and my response is always, it just does.

I’m fortunate enough to have a partner who loves, respects and supports me in every aspect of my life which has to be the sexiest thing a man can do in my opinion. Lately I’ve been getting a lot of requests to post another sex tape with my boyfriend.

You might be surprised to know, but me and my man really don’t film our hookups, its one of the few things that like to keep intimate when its just him and I.

But I love you guys and he loves me so he let me break out the camera a few nights ago. He gets a little camera shy and hates having to hold the camera but he’s a trooper and gave it his best for you guys.


deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love

deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love deviant otter  Deviant Otter Puppy Love


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