Straight ripped bearded farm boy Bowie shows off his hairy chest as he jerks his huge 9 inch cock

Island Studs says: Big dick Bowie is a ripped tight-bodied, straight, scruffy faced, farm boy from Wisconsin with a perfect furry chest, armpits, with hair covering his amazing 8-pack abs.

He enjoys showing off his big thick 9-inch cock and low hanging donkey balls that slap against his hairy thighs as he walks around the property with a full erection.

Bowie wheels his barrow with tools doing all his nudist chores and he takes two powerful pisses outdoors, slaps his 9-inch throbber repeatedly with one hand while manhandling his big heavy balls with the other.

He grabs his sweet white ass with his dirty gloves and spreads it wide open revealing a super furry blond boy hole. Then he sits on a bench by the banana grove for a long noisy jerk off session as he moans loudly when he explodes with a geyser of cum, before taking a hot sexy outdoor shower.

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