Sexy young muscle stud Vincent OReilly’s bare asshole raw fucked by tattooed hunk Dalton Riley

Raging Stallion says: On the premiere episode of ‘Hot House Flippers’, co-hosts Austin Avery and Ryan Rose meet homeowner Wess Russel, a sexy Utah boy who wants to beat the cold in his new vacation house in Palm Springs, but it needs a lot of work.

The kick-ass construction crew includes sexy contractor Dalton Riley and his stunning head landscaper Vincent O’Reilly.

As the cameras roll and the hosts watch remotely, Dalton and Vincent take a break from the desert heat for a raw fuck on the back patio.

Vincent delivers a spit-soaked deepthroat blowjob as Dalton fucks his face with giant foreman cock until he wants a taste of Vincent’s fat dong.

Turning him around, Dalton licks and teases Vincent’s hairless hole to get him ready for some serious demolition.

Dalton nails Vincent’s tight ass bareback and drills him hard till they are spraying jizz on the jobsite and each other.

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